Location: Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Type: Multi-family | Nursing Facility | Assisted Living | Market-rate
Construction Cost: $12.2 Million
Square Footage: 68,723 GSF
Number of Units: 79
Completed: November 2008
Client: Sunrise Senior Living
Architect: Tai + Lee Architects

Sunrise of McCandless is a high-end assisted living facility with 79 resident units located in the North Hills area of Pittsburgh. The attractive four-story building is a steel frame and metal deck structure with a brick veneer and Hardie siding exterior finish. Interiors offer a variety of wood treatments, vinyl wall coverings, wood look floor finishes, and a grand staircase.

One of the unique features of Sunrise is its innovative Reminiscence Neighborhood designed to address the specific needs of residents with memory loss and other forms of memory impairments. Additionally, there is a Terrace Club for seniors with early memory loss.

The View is another customized assisted living area designed to provide a comfortable environment. for seniors with low vision. The facility includes a complete kitchen with both a community dining room and private dining areas. A wrap around porch and landscaped terrace provide pleasant outdoor living space for residents to enjoy.